Thursday, December 3, 2009

items of gold

Indian brides wear jewelry sets that are made in gold, be it necklaces, bangles, anklets and earrings. Many a time, the bridal jewelry is set with diamonds and other precious stones.The modern day bride prefers to have some modern wearable items of gold jewelry in her trousseau. Not many would like to be weighed down by heavy jewelry that cannot be worn often and will be more an invitation for thieves.Come the wedding season and you can see crowds thronging the jewelry stores.
Indian bridal jewelry has always been considered her 'streedhan' - personal wealth that would stand in good stead in times of need.
Indian jewelry for brides is created to enhance the beauty of the woman. The gentle tinkle of the anklets around delicate feet, a set of jingling bangles on her hands and an exquisitely crafted necklace round her neck - the Indian bride looks resplendent in her finery and colorful profusion

1 comment:

  1. one of the best post i saw here. Keep it going! Thank you.
